
object Dbg

Provides utility methods for debug logging.




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Prepended on error.

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var TAG: String

Tag used by Logcat.

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Prepended on warn.


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fun error(format: Any, vararg args: Any?)
fun error(obj: Class<*>, format: Any, vararg args: Any?)
fun error(stck: StackTraceElement, format: Any, vararg args: Any?)

Log an error message. Messages will be prepended with the ERROR_PREPEND string Best used in a scenario where the program cannot continue normally or at required functionality

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fun log(format: Any, vararg args: Any?)
fun log(obj: Class<*>, format: Any, vararg args: Any?)
fun log(stck: StackTraceElement, format: Any, vararg args: Any?)

Log a user message. Best used to log a message or value to Logcat from user code

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fun logd(format: Any, vararg args: Any?)
fun logd(obj: Class<*>, format: Any, vararg args: Any?)
fun logd(stck: StackTraceElement, format: Any, vararg args: Any?)

Log an internal debug message. Best used from critical classes to log internal state

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fun logTmp(format: Any, vararg args: Any?)
fun logTmp(obj: Class<*>, format: Any, vararg args: Any?)
fun logTmp(stck: StackTraceElement, format: Any, vararg args: Any?)

Log a user message temporarily. This method is marked as 'deprecated' to remind you to remove it before committing your code and for it to be picked up as part of static code analysis. It serves the same as a regular log call.

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fun logv(format: Any, vararg args: Any?)
fun logv(obj: Class<*>, format: Any, vararg args: Any?)
fun logv(stck: StackTraceElement, format: Any, vararg args: Any?)

Log a verbose message. Used from always-messages that can be omitted, such as the firing notifications of methods

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Report out a stacktrace and cause stacktrace if possible.

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Log a timestamp from inside a BunyipsOpMode. This will call a log with the current time since the last timer reset, prefixed with the last user-related function that was called. If not called from a BunyipsOpMode, time information will be unknown.

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fun warn(format: Any, vararg args: Any?)
fun warn(obj: Class<*>, format: Any, vararg args: Any?)
fun warn(stck: StackTraceElement, format: Any, vararg args: Any?)

Log a warning message. Messages will be prepended with the WRN_PREPEND string Best used in a scenario where the program can continue, but the user should be warned