Package-level declarations


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open class Controller : Gamepad
A wrapper around a Gamepad object that provides a Controls interface and custom input calculations.
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open class DynIMU : IMU
Port of the LazyImu class to support the universal IMU interface by taking a reference to an uninitialised IMU object and initialising it on the first call to a method.
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open class IMUEx : IMU, Runnable
Drop-in replacement for an Inertial Measurement Unit that provides WPIUnit data and the capabilities of automatic updates similar to (but not implementing) a subsystem multi-thread.
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open class InvertibleTouchSensor : TouchSensor
A TouchSensor where the readings can be inverted.
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open class Motor : SimpleRotator, DcMotorEx
Drop-in replacement for a DcMotor that uses custom control algorithms to operate RUN_USING_ENCODER and RUN_TO_POSITION modes.
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open class ServoEx : ServoImpl, PwmControl
Extension of the extended Servo interface that allows for motion profiling via a TrapezoidProfile.
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open class SimpleRotator : DcMotorSimple
Drop-in replacement for DcMotorSimple (and by extension, DcMotor and CRServo) to support write caching, refresh rates, and internal power clamps/scales.