
Controls a set of two servos together to one of two static setpoints for each servo.


Lucas Bubner, 2023




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constructor(@Nullable left: Servo, @Nullable right: Servo, leftClosed: Double, leftOpen: Double, rightClosed: Double, rightOpen: Double)
Create a new DualServos.
constructor(@Nullable left: Servo, @Nullable right: Servo)
Create a new DualServos with default open and close positions.


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Represents the side of the servos to control.
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open inner class Tasks
DualServo tasks, access with tasks.


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Tasks for DualServos.

Inherited properties

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open var currentTask: Task
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protected open var name: String
Reference to the unmodified name of this subsystem.
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Get a reference to the currently running BunyipsOpMode.


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Close the servos.
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Query if a servo is open.
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Open the servos.
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protected open fun periodic()
Push stateful changes to the servos.
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Toggle the state of the servos.

Inherited functions

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protected fun assertParamsNotNull(@Nullable parameters: Array<Any>): Boolean
Utility function to run NullSafety.assertComponentArgs() on the given parameters, usually on the motors/hardware/critical objects passed into the constructor.
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Cancel the current task immediately and return to the default task, if available.
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infix fun BunyipsSubsystem.default(defaultTask: Task)

Default task setter extension for BunyipsSubsystem to set the default task of a subsystem.

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protected fun delegate(@NonNull child: BunyipsSubsystem)
Call to delegate the update of this subsystem, usually a component of another subsystem, to this subsystem.
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fun disable()
Prevent a subsystem from running.
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open fun disableAll()
Disable all BunyipsSubsystem instances that has been constructed since the last clearing.
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fun enable()
Re-enable a subsystem if it was previously disabled via a disable call.
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open fun enableAll()
Enable all BunyipsSubsystem instances that has been constructed since the last clearing.
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Determine if the subsystem is idle, meaning an IdleTask (or no task) is running.
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Determine if the subsystem is running the default task.
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protected open fun onDisable()
User callback that runs once when this subsystem is disabled by a call to disable or by an assertion failure.
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protected open fun onEnable()
User callback that runs once when this subsystem is enabled by a call to enable or the first active call to periodic.
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protected fun opMode(@NonNull ifRunning: Consumer<BunyipsOpMode>)
Null check consumer for the opMode field which will no-op the given consumer if an active BunyipsOpMode is not present (i.e.
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protected fun require(@Nullable nullableOpMode: BunyipsOpMode): BunyipsOpMode
Null assertion for the opMode field which throws a NullPointerException if an active BunyipsOpMode is not present (i.e.
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open fun resetForOpMode()
Reset stored static instances of BunyipsSubsystem.
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fun setDefaultTask(@NonNull defaultTask: Task)
Set the default task for this subsystem, which will be run when no other task is running.
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Set the current task to the given task, overriding any current task.
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protected open fun sout(logger: Consumer<String>, format: String, objs: Array<Any>)
Log to Logcat using smart formatting with the current subsystem name.
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fun startThread(@NonNull loopSleepDuration: Measure<Time>)
Call to delegate all updates of this subsystem to a thread that will begin execution on this method call.
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Call to stop delegating updates of this subsystem to a thread.
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fun update()
Update the subsystem and run the current task, if tasks are not set up this will just call periodic.
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open fun updateAll()
Update all instances of BunyipsSubsystem that has been constructed since the last clearing.
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fun <T : BunyipsSubsystem?> withName(@NonNull subsystemName: String): T
Set the name of this subsystem that will be used in telemetry and references.