
class WaitTask(time: Measure<Time>, showTelemetry: Boolean = false) : Task

Task to wait for a specific amount of time.


Lucas Bubner, 2023




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constructor(time: Measure<Time>)
constructor(magnitude: Double, unit: Time)
constructor(magnitude: Double, unit: Time, showTelemetry: Boolean)
constructor(time: Measure<Time>, showTelemetry: Boolean = false)

Inherited properties

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protected lateinit var dashboard: TelemetryPacket

Convenience field to get a reference to a TelemetryPacket for sending telemetry to the dashboard. Available as soon as init has been called for this task.

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Time since the task was started.

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Get the subsystem reference that this task has elected a dependency on. Will return an Optional where if it is not present, this task is not dependent on any subsystem.

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Enabling will reject all future on calls. Useful for composing tasks that will internally re-schedule a wrapped Task.

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Query (but not update) the finished state of the task. This will return true if the task is finished and the finisher has been fired.

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Whether this task should override other tasks in the queue if they conflict with this task. Will only apply if this task has a dependency to run on (see dependency).

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Whether the task is currently running (i.e. has been started (init called) and not finished).

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Maximum timeout of the task. If set to 0 magnitude (or a timeout-less constructor) this will serve as an indefinite task, and will only finish when isTaskFinished returns true, or this task is manually interrupted via finish/finishNow.


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protected open override fun isTaskFinished(): Boolean

Return a boolean to this method to add custom criteria if a task should be considered finished.

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protected open override fun periodic()

To run as an active loop during this task's duration. Override to implement.

Inherited functions

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infix fun after(waitTime: Measure<Time>): SequentialTaskGroup
fun after(waitDuration: Double, unit: Time): SequentialTaskGroup

Composes a WaitTask to run before this task.

infix fun after(otherTask: Task): SequentialTaskGroup

Compose this task into a SequentialTaskGroup with the supplied task to run before this one.

infix fun after(runnable: Runnable): SequentialTaskGroup

Implicitly run a SequentialTaskGroup with this supplied Runnable, queued to run before this task starts.

fun after(vararg otherTasks: Task): SequentialTaskGroup

Compose this task into a SequentialTaskGroup with the supplied tasks to run before this one.

fun after(runnable: Runnable, name: String = "Callback"): SequentialTaskGroup

Implicitly run a SequentialTaskGroup with this supplied Runnable named name, queued to run before this task starts.

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infix fun during(otherTask: Task): DeadlineTaskGroup

Compose this task into a DeadlineTaskGroup with the supplied task to run alongside this one until this task is done.

fun during(vararg otherTasks: Task): DeadlineTaskGroup

Compose this task into a DeadlineTaskGroup with the supplied tasks to run these extra tasks until this task is done.

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fun execute()

Scheduling method that will either attach this task to a subsystem or run it as part of the standard run method. This is the recommended way to run a task as it will attempt to run on the context as provided by the dependency.

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fun finish()

Tell a task to finish on the next iteration of poll.

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fun finishNow()

Force a task to finish immediately, and fire the onFinish method without waiting for the next polling loop.

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infix fun forAtLeast(waitTime: Measure<Time>): ParallelTaskGroup
fun forAtLeast(waitDuration: Double, unit: Time): ParallelTaskGroup

Composes a ParallelTaskGroup with a WaitTask to run before this task. This will ensure the task runs for at least the specified time, and no-ops until the duration if it finishes early.

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protected open fun init()

Define code to run once, when the task is started. Override to implement.

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Creates a new DynamicTask instance by wrapping this existing Task instance, allowing you to add new functionality to a task without modifying the original task.

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open infix fun named(name: String?): Task

Set the name of this task to be displayed in the OpMode. You may override this method if required to enforce a naming convention/prefix. Null values are ignored.

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infix fun next(otherTask: Task): IncrementingTaskGroup

Compose this task into a IncrementingTaskGroup with the supplied task to run alongside this one until one finishes.

fun next(vararg otherTasks: Task): IncrementingTaskGroup

Compose this task into a IncrementingTaskGroup with the supplied tasks to run the next task in sequence after the previous one finishes, while looping back to the first task.

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infix fun on(subsystem: BunyipsSubsystem): Task

Set the subsystem you want to elect this task to run on, notifying the runner that this task should run there. This task is scheduled with default override behaviour (where this task is not priority).

fun on(subsystem: BunyipsSubsystem, override: Boolean): Task

Set the subsystem you want to elect this task to run on, notifying the runner that this task should run there.

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protected open fun onFinish()

Finalising function to run once the task is finished. This will always run regardless of whether the task was ended because of an interrupt or the task naturally finishing. Override to add your own callback.

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protected open fun onInterrupt()

Finalising function that will be called after onFinish in the event this task is finished via a call to finish or finishNow. Override to add your own callback.

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protected open fun onReset()

Called when the task is resetting now. Override this method to add custom reset behaviour, such as resetting any internal state variables such as iterators or lists.

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fun poll(): Boolean

Update and query the state of the task if it is finished. This will return true if the task is fully completed with all callbacks processed.

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override fun preview(fieldOverlay: Canvas)

RoadRunner Action implementation to preview the action on the field overlay. This method no-ops as previews are done via DualTelemetry and the Drawing util.

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infix fun race(otherTask: Task): RaceTaskGroup

Compose this task into a RaceTaskGroup with the supplied task to run alongside this one until one finishes.

fun race(vararg otherTasks: Task): RaceTaskGroup

Compose this task into a RaceTaskGroup with the supplied tasks to run all of these tasks until one finishes.

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Wrap this task in a RepeatTask where finish conditions are reset immediately.

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fun reset()

Reset a task to an uninitialised and unfinished state. Will no-op if the task is already fully reset.

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override fun run()

Execute one cycle of this task. The finish condition is separately polled in the poll method.

override fun run(p: TelemetryPacket): Boolean

RoadRunner Action implementation to run this Task.

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Attempts to assign this task as the default task of the current dependency.

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infix fun then(otherTask: Task): SequentialTaskGroup

Compose this task into a SequentialTaskGroup with the supplied task to follow after this one.

infix fun then(runnable: Runnable): SequentialTaskGroup

Implicitly run a SequentialTaskGroup with this supplied Runnable, queued to run when this task finishes.

fun then(vararg otherTasks: Task): SequentialTaskGroup

Compose this task into a SequentialTaskGroup with the supplied tasks to follow after this one.

fun then(runnable: Runnable, name: String = "Callback"): SequentialTaskGroup

Implicitly run a SequentialTaskGroup with this supplied Runnable named name, queued to run when this task finishes.

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infix fun timeout(timeout: Measure<Time>?): Task

Set the timeout of this task dynamically and return the task. Null values are ignored.

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override fun toString(): String

Get the name of this task. By default, it will be the class simple name, but you can call named to set a custom name.

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Get a verbose string representation of this task, including all of its properties.

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infix fun until(condition: BooleanSupplier): RaceTaskGroup

Compose this task into a RaceTaskGroup with a wait condition based on this condition.

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infix fun with(otherTask: Task): ParallelTaskGroup

Compose this task into a ParallelTaskGroup with the supplied task to run alongside this one.

fun with(vararg otherTasks: Task): ParallelTaskGroup

Compose this task into a ParallelTaskGroup with the supplied tasks to run all of these tasks at once.