
A processor that applies multiple ColourThreshold processors to the same frame and combines their draw results. The MASK variable can be used to select which processor's mask is drawn to the frame.


Lucas Bubner, 2024



See also


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constructor(@NonNull thresholdProcessors: Array<ColourThreshold>)
Create a new MultiColourThreshold with the given processors.


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open var MASK: Int
The index of the processor mask to draw to the frame.

Inherited properties

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protected val data: List<T>
List of all vision data detected since the last stateful update.
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open var isFlipped: Boolean
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open val isRunning: Boolean


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open fun getId(): String
Unique identifier for the processor.
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open fun init(@Nullable calibration: CameraCalibration)
Optional method to implement to access the camera calibration data.
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protected open fun onAttach()
Override this method to run any additional code that will be executed when this processor is attached (via init) by a Vision instance.
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protected open fun onFrameDraw(@NonNull canvas: Canvas)
Called by the vision system to draw on the frame.
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protected open fun onProcessFrame(@NonNull frame: Mat, captureTimeNanos: Long)
Called by the vision system to process a frame.
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protected open fun update()
Called to update new data from the vision system, which involves interpreting, collecting, or otherwise processing new vision data per frame.

Inherited functions

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open fun clearData()
Manually clear the data list.
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open fun delegate(@NonNull delegateTo: Processor)
Delegate this processor to another processor.
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open fun getData(): ArrayList<T>
Get the list of vision data.
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open fun getFrameBitmap(@NonNull continuation: Continuation<out Consumer<Bitmap>>)
abstract fun getFrameBitmap(p: Continuation<out Consumer<Bitmap>>)
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fun init(width: Int, height: Int, @Nullable calibration: CameraCalibration)
abstract fun init(p: Int, p1: Int, p2: CameraCalibration)
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open fun isAttached(): Boolean
Determine whether the processor is attached to a Vision instance or is initialised.
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fun onDrawFrame(@NonNull canvas: Canvas, onscreenWidth: Int, onscreenHeight: Int, scaleBmpPxToCanvasPx: Float, scaleCanvasDensity: Float, @NonNull userContext: Any)
Use onFrameDraw instead, which passes a canvas.
abstract fun onDrawFrame(p: Canvas, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Float, p4: Float, p5: Any)
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protected open fun onRunning()
Override this method to run any additional code that will be executed when this processor starts streaming (via start) on a Vision instance.
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fun processFrame(@NonNull frame: Mat, captureTimeNanos: Long): Any
abstract fun processFrame(p: Mat, p1: Long): Any
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