Base class for all vision processors using the Vision system.
A processor will be attached to a Vision instance and will be called to process frames, allowing you to access your data here using the getData method. This makes it useful for tasks to access the latest data from the vision system, without needing to directly interface with the Vision instance.
Lucas Bubner, 2023
the type of VisionData to be processed
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Determine whether the processor is attached to a Vision instance or is initialised.
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fun onDrawFrame(@NonNull canvas: Canvas, onscreenWidth: Int, onscreenHeight: Int, scaleBmpPxToCanvasPx: Float, scaleCanvasDensity: Float, @NonNull userContext: Any)
Use onFrameDraw instead, which passes a canvas.
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Called by the vision system to draw on the frame.
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Called by the vision system to process a frame.
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