
A tuning OpMode for calibrating the vision system's colour thresholding using controller input.

Note that if you want to tune a processor using FtcDashboard, you have to use the static fields offered by ColourTuner, not the processor (as it will be overridden and controlled by the controllers)


Lucas Bubner, 2024




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The scalars used for the current processor.

Inherited properties

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BunyipsLib Gamepad 1: Driver

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BunyipsLib Gamepad 2: Operator

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open var hardwareMap: HardwareMap
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open val isStarted: Boolean
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Set how fast the OpMode is able to loop in the activeLoop or onInitLoop methods in Loops per Time Unit. This will dynamically adjust to be the target speed of how fast loops should be executed. Measures of less than or equal to zero will be ignored, and the OpMode will run as fast as possible.

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open var t: DualTelemetry

Shorthand field alias for the telemetry (DualTelemetry) field. Sometimes, this field is required to be used as the Kotlin compiler might have trouble distinguishing between the overridden field and the base field. This method is a direct alias to the DualTelemetry field.

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BunyipsLib Driver Station & FtcDashboard Telemetry

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open var time: Double
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The moving average timer for the OpMode, which is used to calculate time between hardware cycles. This is useful for debugging, performance monitoring, and calculating various time-based values (deltaTime, loopCount, elapsedTime, etc.)


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protected fun activeLoop()
Code to run continuously after the START button is pressed on the Driver Station.
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protected fun onInit()
Runs upon the pressing of the INIT button on the Driver Station.
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protected fun onInitLoop(): Boolean
Run code in a loop AFTER onInit has completed, until start is pressed on the Driver Station and the init-task (setInitTask) is done.
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protected abstract fun setCamera(): CameraName
The camera from HardwareMap to use for vision processing.
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The processors to tune in this OpMode.

Inherited functions

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fun detachActiveLoopRunnables(attachedRunnables: Array<Runnable>)

Removes a Runnable that was added to the active loop via onActiveLoop. Calling this method will no-op on runnables that can't be found on the currently attached runnables, and will stop executing runnables on the active loop that could be found.

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Dangerous method: call to IMMEDIATELY terminate the OpMode. No further code will run, and this should only be used in emergencies.

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fun exit()

Dangerous method: call to shut down the OpMode as soon as possible. This will run any BunyipsOpMode cleanup code, much as if the user pressed the STOP button.

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fun finish(safeHaltHardwareOnStop: Boolean)

Call to manually finish the OpMode.

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BunyipsLib Gamepad 1: Driver

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BunyipsLib Gamepad 2: Operator

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fun getInitTask(): Optional<Action>

Get the currently respected init-task that will run during dynamic_init.

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The instance of the current BunyipsOpMode. This is set automatically by the BunyipsOpMode lifecycle. This can be used instead of dependency injection to access the current OpMode, as it is a singleton.

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fun getRobotControllers(): List<LynxModule>

A list of all LynxModules (Control + Expansion Hub) modules on the robot.

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open fun getRuntime(): Double
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Shorthand field alias for the telemetry (DualTelemetry) field. Sometimes, this field is required to be used as the Kotlin compiler might have trouble distinguishing between the overridden field and the base field. This method is a direct alias to the DualTelemetry field.

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BunyipsLib Driver Station & FtcDashboard Telemetry

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The moving average timer for the OpMode, which is used to calculate time between hardware cycles. This is useful for debugging, performance monitoring, and calculating various time-based values (deltaTime, loopCount, elapsedTime, etc.)

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fun halt()

Call to temporarily halt all activeLoop-related updates from running. Note this will pause the entire activeLoop, but continue to update timers and telemetry. These events must be handled manually if needed, which include any conditional calls to resume.

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fun idle()
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fun ifRunning(opModeConsumer: Consumer<BunyipsOpMode>)

Run the supplied callback if a BunyipsOpMode is currently running. This chains an internal call to BunyipsOpMode with a lambda supplied with the non-null instance of BunyipsOpMode.

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fun init()
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fun init_loop()
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open fun internalPostLoop()
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open fun internalPreInit()
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fun internalUpdateTelemetryNow(telemetry: TelemetryMessage)
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Whether a BunyipsOpMode is currently running. This is useful for checking if the OpMode singleton can be accessed without raising an exception due to the field being null.

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fun loop()
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fun onActiveLoop(runnables: Array<Runnable>)

Add a Runnable to the list of runnables to be executed just before the activeLoop. This is useful for running code that needs to be executed on the main thread, but is not a subsystem or task.

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protected open fun onFinish()

Perform one time clean-up operations after the activeLoop finishes all intentions gracefully.

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protected open fun onInitDone()

Allow code to execute once after all initialisation has finished.

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protected open fun onStart()

Perform one time operations after start is pressed.

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protected open fun onStop()

Perform one time clean-up operations as the OpMode is stopping.

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open fun resetRuntime()
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fun resume()

Call to resume the activeLoop after a halt call.

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protected abstract fun runBunyipsOpMode()
Main BunyipsOpMode executor method.
protected fun runBunyipsOpMode()

This method is the entry point for the BunyipsLib framework, and is called by the FTC SDK.

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open fun runOpMode()
Main OpMode thread method.
abstract fun runOpMode()
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Dangerous method: Call to command all motors and servos on the robot to shut down. This is a method called by the SDK continuously when no OpMode is running. It is also automatically called via finish.

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fun setGamepad1(<set-?>: Controller)

BunyipsLib Gamepad 1: Driver

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fun setGamepad2(<set-?>: Controller)

BunyipsLib Gamepad 2: Operator

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fun setInitTask(task: Action)

Set a task (exposed as minimum type of Action) that will run as an init-task. This will run after your onInit has completed, allowing you to initialise hardware first. This is an optional method, and runs alongside onInitLoop.

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fun setT(<set-?>: DualTelemetry)

Shorthand field alias for the telemetry (DualTelemetry) field. Sometimes, this field is required to be used as the Kotlin compiler might have trouble distinguishing between the overridden field and the base field. This method is a direct alias to the DualTelemetry field.

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BunyipsLib Driver Station & FtcDashboard Telemetry

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The moving average timer for the OpMode, which is used to calculate time between hardware cycles. This is useful for debugging, performance monitoring, and calculating various time-based values (deltaTime, loopCount, elapsedTime, etc.)

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fun sleep(milliseconds: Long)
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fun start()
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fun stop()
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Call to command all moving motors/CRServos to stop by method of setting their powers to zero. This does not impact normal servos.

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open fun updateTelemetry(telemetry: Telemetry)
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open fun waitForStart()