
class HtmlItem(value: String, retained: Boolean, val isOverflow: Boolean, dashboardRef: Reference<String>, opMode: OpMode) : Telemetry.Item

Wraps a telemetry item displayed on the DS/FtcDashboard. Uses HTML to alter the way text is displayed based on wrapper utilities.


Lachlan Paul, 2024


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constructor(value: String, retained: Boolean, isOverflow: Boolean, dashboardRef: Reference<String>, opMode: OpMode)


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Whether this item failed to send to the DS because of telemetry queue overload.

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var item: Telemetry.Item?

The underlying telemetry item added to the DS that this HTML item is wrapping.


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open override fun addData(caption: String, value: Any): Telemetry.Item?
open override fun <T : Any> addData(caption: String, valueProducer: Func<T>): Telemetry.Item?
open override fun addData(caption: String, format: String, vararg args: Any): Telemetry.Item?
open override fun <T : Any> addData(caption: String, format: String, valueProducer: Func<T>): Telemetry.Item?

Adds a new data item in the associated Telemetry immediately following the receiver.

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Apply the HTML formatting to the string only if this condition is true.

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Wrap the string in a background color on the DS.

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Wrap the string in <big> tags, making the string large on the DS.

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Wrap the string in <b> tags, making the string bold on the DS.

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Wrap the string in a foreground color on the DS.

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open override fun getCaption(): String?

Returns the caption associated with this item.

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Wrap the string in <h1> tags, making the string a header 1 with a margin on the DS.

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Wrap the string in <h2> tags, making the string a header 2 with a margin on the DS.

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Wrap the string in <h3> tags, making the string a header 3 with a margin on the DS.

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Wrap the string in <h4> tags, making the string a header 4 with a margin on the DS.

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Wrap the string in <h5> tags, making the string a header 5 with a margin on the DS.

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Wrap the string in <h6> tags, making the string a header 6 with a margin on the DS.

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open override fun isRetained(): Boolean

Returns whether the item is to be retained in a clear() operation.

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Wrap the string in <i> tags, making the string italic on the DS.

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open override fun setCaption(caption: String): Telemetry.Item?

Sets the caption associated with this item.

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open override fun setRetained(retained: Boolean?): Telemetry.Item?

Sets whether the item is to be retained in clear() operation or not. This is initially true for items that whose value is computed with a value producer; otherwise, it is initially false.

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open override fun setValue(value: Any?): Telemetry.Item?

Updates the value of this item to be the result of applying Object.toString to the indicated object.

open override fun <T : Any> setValue(valueProducer: Func<T>): Telemetry.Item?
open override fun <T : Any> setValue(format: String, valueProducer: Func<T>): Telemetry.Item?

Updates the value of this item to be the indicated value producer. This will override any HTML formatting applied to the item as it is also a value producer.

open override fun setValue(format: String, vararg args: Any): Telemetry.Item?

Updates the value of this item to be the result of the indicated string formatting operation.

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Wrap the string in <small> tags, making the string small on the DS.

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Wrap the string in <s> tags, making the string strikethrough on the DS.

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Wrap the string in <sub> tags, making the string subscript (bottom right align) on the DS.

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Wrap the string in <sup> tags, making the string superscript (top right align) on the DS.

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Wrap the string in <u> tags, making the string underlined on the DS.

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Wrap the string in a tag supplied by the user on the DS. Note that these tags are limited to the HTML tags that are available as part of Html.fromHtml().