
class TaskBuilder(constants: Constants, startPose: Pose2d, poseMap: PoseMap)

Extension of a RoadRunner trajectory builder to provide WPIUnits and task building support.


Lucas Bubner, 2024




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constructor(constants: Constants, startPose: Pose2d, poseMap: PoseMap)


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fun addTask(setUnmappedEndPoseRef: Reference<Pose2d>? = null)

Build the current trajectory and add it to the current AutonomousBunyipsOpMode task queue with the settings defined in this builder. Optionally sets a passed setUnmappedEndPoseRef to the last unmapped spliced pose.

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fun afterDisp(ds: Double, unit: Distance = Inches, a: Action): TaskBuilder

Schedules action a to execute in parallel starting at a displacement ds after the last trajectory segment. The action start is clamped to the span of the current trajectory.

fun afterDisp(ds: Double, unit: Distance = Inches, f: InstantFunction): TaskBuilder

Schedules function f to execute in parallel starting at a displacement ds after the last trajectory segment. The action start is clamped to the span of the current trajectory.

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fun afterTime(dt: Double, unit: Time = Seconds, a: Action): TaskBuilder

Schedules action a to execute in parallel starting dt seconds after the last trajectory segment, turn, or other action.

fun afterTime(dt: Double, unit: Time = Seconds, f: InstantFunction): TaskBuilder

Schedules function f to execute in parallel starting dt seconds after the last trajectory segment, turn, or other action.

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Build the current trajectory and return it as a Task/Action.

fun build(setUnmappedEndPoseRef: Reference<Pose2d>): ActionTask

Build the current trajectory and return it as a Task/Action. This overload also stores the last unmapped spliced pose in the given Reference object for manual chaining.

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Ends the current trajectory in progress. No-op if no trajectory segments are pending.

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Creates a new builder with the same settings and default constraints at the current pose, tangent.

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fun lineToX(posX: Double, unit: Distance = Inches): TaskBuilder

Move to the specified posX coordinate in the direction of the current heading.

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Move to the specified posX coordinate in the direction of the current heading.

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fun lineToXLinearHeading(posX: Double, posUnit: Distance = Inches, heading: Rotation2d): TaskBuilder
fun lineToXLinearHeading(posX: Double, posUnit: Distance = Inches, heading: Double, headingUnit: Angle = Radians): TaskBuilder

Move to the specified posX coordinate in the direction of the current heading while linearly interpolating the heading to heading.

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fun lineToXSplineHeading(posX: Double, posUnit: Distance = Inches, heading: Rotation2d): TaskBuilder
fun lineToXSplineHeading(posX: Double, posUnit: Distance = Inches, heading: Double, headingUnit: Angle = Radians): TaskBuilder

Move to the specified posX coordinate in the direction of the current heading while spline interpolating the heading to heading.

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fun lineToY(posY: Double, unit: Distance = Inches): TaskBuilder

Move to the specified posY coordinate in the direction of the current heading.

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Move to the specified posY coordinate in the direction of the current heading.

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fun lineToYLinearHeading(posY: Double, posUnit: Distance = Inches, heading: Rotation2d): TaskBuilder
fun lineToYLinearHeading(posY: Double, posUnit: Distance = Inches, heading: Double, headingUnit: Angle = Radians): TaskBuilder

Move to the specified posY coordinate in the direction of the current heading while linearly interpolating the heading to heading.

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fun lineToYSplineHeading(posY: Double, posUnit: Distance = Inches, heading: Rotation2d): TaskBuilder
fun lineToYSplineHeading(posY: Double, posUnit: Distance = Inches, heading: Double, headingUnit: Angle = Radians): TaskBuilder

Move to the specified posY coordinate in the direction of the current heading while spline interpolating the heading to heading.

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Reset the acceleration constraints to default.

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Reset the turn constraints to default.

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Reset the velocity constraints to default.

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Set the acceleration constraints as defined by an Accel object.

fun setAccelConstraints(accelConstraints: AccelConstraint): TaskBuilder

Set the acceleration constraints for future builder instructions in units of inches.

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Set the reversed tangent state of the builder.

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fun setTangent(r: Rotation2d): TaskBuilder
fun setTangent(r: Double, unit: Angle = Radians): TaskBuilder

Sets the tangent of the builder to respect on the next trajectories.

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Set the turn constraints as defined by a Turn object.

fun setTurnConstraints(constraintsInches: TurnConstraints): TaskBuilder

Set the turn constraints for future builder instructions in units of inches.

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fun setVelConstraints(constraints: Vel): TaskBuilder

Set the velocity constraints as defined by a Vel object.

fun setVelConstraints(velConstraintsInches: VelConstraint): TaskBuilder

Set the velocity constraints for future builder instructions in units of inches.

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fun splineTo(pos: Vector2d, unit: Distance = Inches, tangent: Rotation2d): TaskBuilder
fun splineTo(pos: Vector2d, unit: Distance = Inches, tangent: Double, tangentUnit: Angle = Radians): TaskBuilder

Move to the specified pos in a spline path while following the specified tangent.

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fun splineToConstantHeading(pos: Vector2d, unit: Distance = Inches, tangent: Rotation2d): TaskBuilder
fun splineToConstantHeading(pos: Vector2d, unit: Distance = Inches, tangent: Double, tangentUnit: Angle = Radians): TaskBuilder

Move to the specified pos in a spline path while maintaining the current heading.

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fun splineToLinearHeading(poseHeadingRad: Pose2d, vectorUnit: Distance = Inches, tangent: Rotation2d): TaskBuilder
fun splineToLinearHeading(poseHeadingRad: Pose2d, vectorUnit: Distance = Inches, tangent: Double, tangentUnit: Angle = Radians): TaskBuilder

Move to the specified poseHeadingRad in a spline path while linearly interpolating the heading to tangent.

fun splineToLinearHeading(vector: Vector2d, vectorUnit: Distance = Inches, heading: Double, headingUnit: Angle = Radians, tangent: Rotation2d): TaskBuilder
fun splineToLinearHeading(vector: Vector2d, vectorUnit: Distance = Inches, heading: Double, headingUnit: Angle = Radians, tangent: Double, tangentUnit: Angle = Radians): TaskBuilder

Move to the specified vector tangent to heading in a spline path while linearly interpolating the robot heading to tangent.

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fun splineToSplineHeading(poseHeadingRad: Pose2d, vectorUnit: Distance = Inches, tangent: Rotation2d): TaskBuilder
fun splineToSplineHeading(poseHeadingRad: Pose2d, vectorUnit: Distance = Inches, tangent: Double, tangentUnit: Angle = Radians): TaskBuilder

Move to the specified poseHeadingRad in a spline path while spline interpolating the heading to tangent.

fun splineToSplineHeading(vector: Vector2d, vectorUnit: Distance = Inches, heading: Double, headingUnit: Angle = Radians, tangent: Rotation2d): TaskBuilder
fun splineToSplineHeading(vector: Vector2d, vectorUnit: Distance = Inches, heading: Double, headingUnit: Angle = Radians, tangent: Double, tangentUnit: Angle = Radians): TaskBuilder

Move to the specified vector tangent to heading in a spline path while spline interpolating the robot heading to tangent.

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fun stopAndAdd(a: Action): TaskBuilder

Stops the current trajectory (like endTrajectory) and adds action a next.

fun stopAndAdd(f: InstantFunction): TaskBuilder

Stops the current trajectory (like endTrajectory) and adds the instant function f next.

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fun strafeTo(pos: Vector2d, unit: Distance = Inches): TaskBuilder

Move to the specified pos vector while maintaining the current heading.

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fun strafeToConstantHeading(pos: Vector2d, unit: Distance = Inches): TaskBuilder

Move to the specified pos vector while maintaining the current heading.

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fun strafeToLinearHeading(pos: Vector2d, posUnit: Distance = Inches, heading: Rotation2d): TaskBuilder
fun strafeToLinearHeading(pos: Vector2d, posUnit: Distance = Inches, heading: Double, headingUnit: Angle = Radians): TaskBuilder

Move to the specified pos vector while linearly interpolating the heading to heading.

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fun strafeToSplineHeading(pos: Vector2d, posUnit: Distance = Inches, heading: Rotation2d): TaskBuilder
fun strafeToSplineHeading(pos: Vector2d, posUnit: Distance = Inches, heading: Double, headingUnit: Angle = Radians): TaskBuilder

Move to the specified pos vector while spline interpolating the heading to heading.

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fun turn(angle: Double, unit: Angle = Radians): TaskBuilder

Turn the robot by angle in unit.

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fun turnTo(heading: Rotation2d): TaskBuilder

Turn the robot to the heading, specified as a Rotation2d in radians.

fun turnTo(heading: Double, unit: Angle = Radians): TaskBuilder

Turn the robot to the heading in unit.

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fun waitFor(t: Double, unit: Time = Seconds): TaskBuilder

Waits t time units of unit.

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Waits t seconds.

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Set the name for the underlying task.

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Set the priority for the underlying task if using addTask.

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Set the timeout for the underlying task.