Mecanum Drive
This class is the standard Mecanum drive class that controls a set of four mecanum wheels while integrating the RoadRunner v1.0 library in BunyipsLib.
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constructor(@NonNull driveModel: DriveModel, @NonNull motionProfile: MotionProfile, @NonNull mecanumGains: MecanumGains, @Nullable leftFront: DcMotor, @Nullable leftBack: DcMotor, @Nullable rightBack: DcMotor, @Nullable rightFront: DcMotor, @Nullable lazyImu: LazyImu, @NonNull voltageSensorMapping: HardwareMap.DeviceMapping<VoltageSensor>, @NonNull startPose: Pose2d)
Create a new MecanumDrive.
constructor(@NonNull driveModel: DriveModel, @NonNull motionProfile: MotionProfile, @NonNull mecanumGains: MecanumGains, @Nullable leftFront: DcMotor, @Nullable leftBack: DcMotor, @Nullable rightBack: DcMotor, @Nullable rightFront: DcMotor, @Nullable lazyImu: LazyImu, @NonNull voltageSensorMapping: HardwareMap.DeviceMapping<VoltageSensor>)
Create a new MecanumDrive that will start at the last known pose.
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Gains used for holonomic drive control.
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The minimum distance from endpoint of the trajectory to the projected pose to begin stabilisation for the path following mode of this MecanumDrive.
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The lookahead distance used for the current implementation of the path following mode of this MecanumDrive.
Inherited properties
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Get a reference to the currently running BunyipsOpMode.
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The constants object represents all configuration options required for creating a RoadRunner trajectory.
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Get the raw power of each motor on the drive.
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Calculate the first derivative of the accumulated pose from an internal localizer.
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open fun setMotorPowers(leftFrontPower: Double, leftBackPower: Double, rightBackPower: Double, rightFrontPower: Double)
Set the raw power of each motor on the drive.
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Set the pose accumulator this drive instance should use.
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Set a new set of error thresholds for this drive instance to use when running trajectories.
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Set the Localizer this drive instance should use.
Inherited functions
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Utility function to run
on the given parameters, usually on the motors/hardware/critical objects passed into the constructor.Link copied to clipboard
Cancel the current task immediately and return to the default task, if available.
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Default task setter extension for BunyipsSubsystem to set the default task of a subsystem.
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Call to delegate the update of this subsystem, usually a component of another subsystem, to this subsystem.
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Disable all BunyipsSubsystem instances that has been constructed since the last clearing.
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Determine if the subsystem is running the default task.
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Begin building a RoadRunner trajectory from the last-known robot position when this method is called.
open fun makeTrajectory(@NonNull startVec: Vector2d, @NonNull distUnit: Distance, ang: Double, @NonNull angUnit: Angle): TaskBuilder
open fun makeTrajectory(@NonNull startVec: Vector2d, @NonNull distUnit: Distance, ang: Double, @NonNull angUnit: Angle, @NonNull poseMap: PoseMap): TaskBuilder
Begin building a RoadRunner trajectory from the supplied pose when this method is called.
Begin building a RoadRunner trajectory from the inverse (PoseMap piped) last-known robot position when this method is called.
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Null check consumer for the opMode field which will no-op the given consumer if an active BunyipsOpMode is not present (i.e.
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Null assertion for the opMode field which throws a NullPointerException if an active BunyipsOpMode is not present (i.e.
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Reset stored static instances of BunyipsSubsystem.
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Set the default task for this subsystem, which will be run when no other task is running.
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Set the current task to the given task, overriding any current task.
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Call to delegate all updates of this subsystem to a thread that will begin execution on this method call.
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Call to stop delegating updates of this subsystem to a thread.
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